Made a little CLI that just pipes my programming questions to GPT-3, so I now can ask it stuff when I'm in the command line!
LLMs are better than Stack Overflow now — I just ask it, and it gives me a comprehensive answer in one shot, right there in my terminal, in a couple secs.

For anyone threatening to leave Twitter, good luck trying to find this fire content on any other platform

Really becoming very heavily energy abundance-pilled. Large-scale helicopter tourism feels like it'd be a crazy luxury now, let alone in the 1960s. And yet (apparently) tickets for this service were $4.50 for adults, less than $40 in today's money.

Zach Klein, Yes on J, No on I @zachklein

The credible, close-call attempt to kill or maim Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a second time, and the GOP response, signals how close the US is to the end of the road as a Democracy. It also tells us about what comes after the fall. 1/n

Hey folks, so there's been a lot of discussion about Elon is speed running the content moderation learning curve. I thought it might help if I gave him a cheat sheet for doing it:

@theintercept I went through every single claim in the document, and every underlying document. And NOT A SINGLE CLAIM about coercion and content suppression holds. NOT ONE.

we should expand enrollment at elite colleges for the same reason we should build more housing
there’s just more of us now. society needs to scale https://t.co/h0D4iD0UUZ

Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

The fact that Donald Trump displayed some tactical flexibility about his ideological commitments in crunch time mattered a lot. The crew of maniacs he’s assembled tend to lack this quality.

Igor Bobic @igorbobic