I don’t understand the idea that letting people bet on elections risks the integrity of our democracy.
This gambling info is a somewhat useful check on BS and bad polling, and certainly more socially useful than having everyone bet on sports or NFTs or whatever. https://t.co/kWVM5Snmmd
Better Markets @BetterMarkets
“It was total chaos in the dormitories,” said a 22-year-old worker surnamed Xia. “We jumped a plastic fence and a metal fence to get out of the campus,” he said. Workers flee world's largest iphone factory operated by Foxconn in Zhengzhou
Insane situation in Portland, ME
Two ballot caps on short-term rentals, all just to bring <500 units into the market
Legalize apartments! You can vacuum up 500 units of demand in 1 new tower or a few midrises
This is what happens when you don't zone in advance for abundance
When Fox briefly broke with Trump post-election, they started rapidly losing market share to Newsmax and OANN.
CNN & NYT savaged Biden over Afghanistan without their Biden-voting audiences defecting.
Relatedly — when you pay Fox viewers to watch CNN instead they don’t just their fundamentals beliefs but do learn about unflattering-for-republicans specific stories. But the audience seems to authentically prefer to avoid these stories.
Putting apartment buildings on busy streets is bad public health policy https://t.co/wWdtPYiG5c
David Zipper @DavidZipper
Free idea for anyone with a young kid: take a photo every month (?) in front of a greenscreen so that you can, in the future, photoshop N instances of the same kid in an arbitrary background standing next to themself, to show growth / age / build / fashion over time
I am not exaggerating when I say that Alfred Twu is the most important urbanist visionary in America.
No one else I've seen is out there creating such comprehensive, realistic, illustrated visualizations of the future of American cities.
Alfred Twu @alfred_twu