The cost of solar power in different countries (1/2)
Cc: @Noahpinion @ramez @JesseJenkins @dwallacewells

Good thread. I've been annoyed by people parroting "NATO" and "2014 coup", when it's clear that the real problem for Russia was that they lost control via corruption over Ukrainian politics in 2014 and decided to prevent it from getting its act together and getting closer with EU

Matt Steinglass 🇺🇸 🇳🇱 Боже милий, знову лихо @mattsteinglass

The EU could do the world a solid by hard coding the following tradeoffs:
1. You can block ad tracking, or you can run an ad network.
2. If you take a cut on your App Store you must allow sideloading.

there's a rhetorical move i see occasionally from certain leftists. you ask a direct question about a matter of fact--"where will the money for public housing come from," say. and they respond with "this question valorizes white ways of knowing in problematic ways."
a thread.

Pretty sure this didn’t happen

Brian Beutler @brianbeutler

That GOP fear-mongering about restored IRS funding keeps looking sillier: the tax agency has used its new resources to hire 4,000 more customer-service reps, to better answer phones and questions.
Even this close to Halloween, that doesn’t sound very scary to me—does it to you?