I love this @jonst0kes post on machine learning and creativity. It’s not obvious that there’s a fundamental difference between what a machine learning model does when it imagines a scene and a human artist does so.
Important life lesson — a successful career as a member of an authoritarian regime is no guarantee that you won't end up getting purged. Try liberalism!
Danson Cheong @dansoncj
One month payback on out-of-home ads 🏆
natasha @nmasc_
“Only with distance from the minute-to-minute anxieties of caring for a small child does its sweeping beauty come into full view.” theatlantic.com/family/archive…
A fabulous discussion about malls, the suburbs, and 80's & 90's teen culture that will have every YIMBY feeling both hopeful and anxious about whether America can change how we live, work, shop and hang out.
Alexandra Lange @LangeAlexandra
Actually it seems like a smart move to get the CCP to be dependent on food from U.S. farmland that they "own". In a war situation we can easily just nationalize the farmland.
Lauren Boebert @laurenboebert