New jobs in orange on the left. New homes in blue on the right.
someone who is good at land use please help me plan this. my region is dying

since 2008 seattle has added 280,000 people, 200,000 jobs, & 100M sq ft of real estate. yet the electricity use has declined. this, despite tons of electrification of existing buildings and new buildings. tons of growth
de-growthism is so wrong. density wins.

I remember how, in 2016 when I said I thought Trumpism was protofascism, people told me I was being alarmist, overwrought, melodramatic.
Here is what the Right has barfed up just in the last 24 hours:

The biggest danger to the world is that autocracies consistently manage convince themselves that the U.S. are a bunch of weak irresolute decadent pansies instead of a bunch of crazy stupid risk-loving nuclear-armed cowboys.

Like, all these bros were yelling at me a couple weeks ago about being a nuclear warmonger, as if some pansy-ass intellectual like me could get Americans to back off war. Bitch I couldn't even convince these cowboys to get vaccines to save themselves from a goddamn plague.

The idea that it is helpful for "racial equity" to let people drive around the city with fake tags so they can violate traffic laws with impunity strikes me as incorrect and a real disservice to the large majority of people of all races who are not driving with fake tags.

Jordan Pascale๐๏ธ @JWPascale

If someone has *expired* tags give them a warning or two before coming down hard.
If someone has *fake* tags, take their car.

The not just bikes mission where you blow up an elevated highway hit too close to home

juan @juanbuis

1. Everybody has at least one media outlet that they enjoy
2. Every outlet has a strong financial incentive to tell its audience that โthe mediaโ is bad
3. Only Slow Boring will tell you the truth that the media is actually pretty good

Dan Froomkin/PressWatchers.org @froomkin