The "debate" has moved a long way and is not where most people think: right now it's about how fast we're dumping fossil fuels (hint: much faster than most realize)
New paper worth a read for anyone who cares about personal finance, comparing the best economic models to what 50 popular personal finance books say…
And a couple fallacies aside, the books are solid, though they simplify to make advice easier to follow. ……
Key point here from @rmc031 on the new fight for abortion rights — the people you are trying to persuade are by definition not the people who share your values, so you need to embrace messages that are not necessarily the ones you personally like.…
ONS remarks tumble dryers and dishwashers (ownership: 45%) are seen as 'luxury goods' in Britain and have massive ownership gradients across income groups to match.
Even if you apply a large discount to claims made about Long Covid, the lack of focus on actual research for diagnoses and treatments (as opposed to social media scolding) is absurd and indefensible.
Stephen Smith @smithsj
Legal immigration is very good and we should have more of it in an organized, orderly way.
dylan matthews @dylanmatt
Well if the (Euro) ensembles are suggesting it... this is starting to get my interest. Something about the 3rd week in October being good for rain chances around here... fingers crossed. Stay tuned (1/2) #CAwx 10/11/2022
I, for one, do not believe that Michael Tracey is a Russian asset.
He's working hard, but he's still two letters short.
This is so stupid. The U.S. didn't terror-bomb Iraq. We DID terror-bomb North Vietnam and North Korea. If you want to call out the U.S. for terror-bombing, why pick a false example when there are real examples right there??
Julia Kanin @julia_kanin
praying that Beverly Hills is next to receive these blessings
Aaron Green @AaronGuhreen