I was recently at a federal courthouse and thought about how safe I was after going through security. Judges award themselves maximal protection against guns and then tell parents around the country that they have no power to keep guns out of daycare. Freaking daycare. It's sick.
There's so much fantasizing that this could be the end of Putin, that we might be nearing a February 1917 moment (abdication of Nicholas II). But that doesn't mean things will get better. 50 million Soviets died violent, hungry deaths in the 40 years that followed.
Russia’s staunchest former supporters in Ukraine are now fighting on the frontline. Another example of how catastrophically Putin’s invasion backfired.
Saint Javelin @saintjavelin
Some people think that they have to agree with their politicians 100% of the time. And I ask these people, “Are any of you married?”
Was just in CA and there are lots of ads about these dueling gambling props (Prop 26 and Prop 27), often one after the other.
Could be making voters throw up their hands at both, as some polling shows
I used to think speed bumps were terrible impositions. Now as a biker and father of a small child, I am very conscious of vehicle speeds, and supportive of slow streets. Apparently so are many LA residents!
LADOT @LADOTofficial
Biden said it's the highest nuclear tensions since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
To me the Yom Kippur War seems a better comparison at this point, things got pretty crazy there and few remember
As the nuclear crisis was unfolding Nixon was depressed over Watergate and spent the night in a drunken stupor while his aides met to decide what to do without him
Today in "things that should have happened five months ago"
Axios @axios
If Saudi Arabia, one of the worst violators of human rights in the world, wants to partner with Russia to jack up US gas prices, it can get Putin to defend its monarchy. We must pull all US troops out of Saudi Arabia, stop selling them weapons & end its price-fixing oil cartel.
This is why I think if China wants to take Taiwan they'll start with a blockade and then do the buildup during the blockade.
Decker Eveleth @dex_eve
I wrote this article about tactical urbanism for Cycling Utah. Im not gonna debate my safety with idiotic traffic engineers and planners who are trying to get businesses their workers faster at my lifes expense
Fire it back up??? The old Revolutions podcast machine hasn’t even been powered down yet!
Brooklyn Scarf Reclamation Service @chefesque