Walter Lippmann's take on FDR in 1932 got him dunked on by the Twitter of his day (though he insisted it was not as wrong as it seems).
Related to recent @slatestarcodex post on predictions that get you dunked on

Rapid technology change has made the clean energy transition inevitable and beneficial. rmi.org/insight/the-en…

Extraordinary photo.
Impossible to imagine, prior to Putin’s war, that the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan would hold four-way peace talks with Macron and Michel
The Russian sphere is eroding

him: voting doesn't matter man, nothing changes.
*literally gets his drug offenses struck from his record and can now vote in 11 more states and get rental housing*

A girls' school in Iran brought a member of the IRGC-run Basij paramilitary to speak to students. The girls welcomed the speaker by taking off their headscarves & chanting "get lost, Basiji".
Teenage girls have been at the forefront of protests for days.

Ron DeSantis should, I am not joking, fire his press office for allowing him to step directly into this hilarious Chad vs Virgin meme living tableau.

A lot of interesting stuff on the CIA’s miscalculations early in Russia’s invasion.
There was also so much that wasn’t widely known even in the Russian system: Russia’s awful intel on Ukraine, the degree of Putin’s isolation and how it radicalized him

Herschel Walker says he has no idea who this woman is who claims she had an abortion at his urging.
We can now reveal, with her permission, that the woman is actually the mother of one of his children. She has a lot to say:

Condo development does not encourage high-income households to move to central cities; condos are built in cities where high-income residents, from @leah_boustan, Robert A. Margo, Matthew M. Miller, James M. Reeves, and Justin P. Steil nber.org/papers/w26170

⚡️ Reuters: Most Americans think US should keep supporting Ukraine, despite Russia's nuclear threats.
A recent poll shows 73% of U.S. citizens agreed for their country to continue to support Ukraine, despite Russia's threats to use nuclear weapons, Reuters reported.

In the University of Hong Kong’s now-required national security law education course, one of the examples given to students involves political speech in the UK and students are told that the law applies globally. hongkongfp.com/2022/10/04/hku…

In case you weren't already aware, the United Nations "Human Rights Council" is stacked with authoritarian regimes and exists primarily to protect the very violators it's ostensibly supposed to police. That's how you get disgraces like this.

Josh Rogin @joshrogin