san francisco is 46 square miles and has 398,000 homes. paris france is 40 square miles and has 1,390,0000 homes
its not only serious, its flat out possible

Before embarking on the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee and Choctaw nations were promised, by treaty, that they would be allowed to have non-voting members in Congress. It’s time that the US honored its word to our peoples. It’s been nearly 200 years, it’s about time https://t.co/Yuzk7u1NG9

Cherokee Nation @CherokeeNation

A lot of people roll their eyes when you say "hydrogen". But although it doesn't work for cars, hydrogen can do some important things that other technologies can't do.

A consistent pattern across the world: Japan tries to actually help poor countries build effective, usable infrastructure, while China simply pursues its geopolitical goals and extracts money where possible.

W. Gyude Moore @gyude_moore

People seem to think this is a bad thing, but it's largely because cars have gotten way better in the last 50 years. We don't have to worry about adjusting the valves in our engines today.

Lenore Skenazy @FreeRangeKids

David Petraeus, a former commander of US Central Command: "Russia should know that if it uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine, then US Airforce will destroy Russian Army in a few days."