Pentagon budget realignment files are a magnificent source of info about what the US military is up to, what classified programs US Special Operations Command runs in Ukraine, and what equipment has been sent to Ukraine.
Let's dive in - a thread 🧵:
Yes, if there can be one positive thing to take from this freaking catastrophe, it’s that people will stop talking about war being relatively easy to execute. War is normally a disaster for the side waging it as well as the side being attacked.
Mykola Bielieskov @MBielieskov
Mikhail Khodorkovsky on Vladimir Putin's historical achievement:
"Russia is most likely the first and only country in the world where people flee not because someone invaded their country, but because they invaded another country"
I recently learned that 60% of Massachusetts towns with inclusionary zoning ordinances haven’t built a single affordable unit under their ordinances.
Despite this, I still talk to lots of activists who think we should focus on increasing the required percentages.
Kim-Mai Cutler @kimmaicutler
Whoa – Apple listened to feedback and there are some BIG changes to Stage Manager for iPadOS:
- Stage Manager on the iPad's screen is now supported on 2018 & 2020 iPad Pros
- External display support on M1 is getting delayed to a future software update
This is wild, and worth a read. I hope some state legislator finds it and is shocked enough and introduces a bill to directly and cleanly override zoning in Santa Cruz
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking
The main story in today’s Evening Moscow newspaper is ‘Top 10 questions about mobilisation’
Featuring a list of things to take with you (like cigarettes!) and information about payment and bonuses. A million rubles ($17k) if you destroy HIMARS, and 5 million ($85k) if you die.
Jesus Christ
Erik Wasson @elwasson
Absolutely true on the merits of permitting reform.
But note most Democrats and Dem leadership backed permitting reform — the problem is McConnell whipped against it to own the libs.
Benji Backer @BenjiBacker
Just as everyone is convincing themselves that basic fiscal debates don’t matter anymore and all of politics should just be culture-oriented shitposting, basic fiscal debates are becoming more relevant after a long absence.
Jason Furman @jasonfurman