With an eye on China, US to develop drones with India. New Delhi seeks to diversify its arms imports which are mainly Russian-made.

What happens when Indians become the majority of English speakers on the internet?
It will happen over the next decade or so.
And it'll change the world.
This is a fun piece (not by me!) that extrapolates out what happens when the Empire Writes Back.

Funding for communities!!! DOE Announces $16 Million to Support Consent-Based Siting for Spent Nuclear Fuel energy.gov/articles/doe-a… via @EnergyGov

An architect friend once told me getting rid of parking requirements for new buildings in Berlin was a huge, accidental win: apartment buildings are cheaper & faster to build without garages, density increases, and eventually people realize life is just easier without cars.

Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

You know that feeling when you eyeball a piece of code that's clearly repetitive, but you're lazy to refactor?
Just ask @Replit's AI Mode to do it!

Highlighted areas will be affected by AB2097 - No longer subject to the city's parking minimums.
Highlights to me the need for high quality transit around Sierra Vista and Old Middlefield.

In remembering Patrick today, recalled the time he just decided to prove the hero of The Sound of Music was a war criminal, just because he could. Because he was there.

President Dawg @PresidentDawg

For those who asserted that walkability decreases crime via an "eyes on the street" effect, here is a thread of papers I found. 4 out of the 5 show a positive correlation between walkability and crime.

Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

I saw evidence that this polls worse than legalizing heroin, so I figured I should probably stay quiet about this until I can come up with some new more persuasive angles.

glibdem @gliberaldem

The truth that too few people are willing to recognize is that screenwriting matters.

Sam Rosenfeld @sam_rosenfeld