Left NIMBYs are apparently claiming that after Seattle built lots of market rate housing in recent years and rents decreased, developers stopped building due to profit loss.
In reality: Seattle permitted more new multifamily housing last year than any year in the last decade.

not only is Taiwan independent it has been independent for the PRC's entire history and the One China policy is entirely a 19th-century accession to a sphere of influence

It’s wild how AirBnB slowly boiled the frog where it went to being cheaper than hotels to being just as expensive while requiring you to do half of the cleaning up in addition to the cleaning fee.

I sometimes think I write too much about housing + transportation but they are literally half of household spending.

The fact that land use regulation got much stricter during the era of deregulation and “neoliberalism” seems to me like a significant complication of the narrative once you see how much bigger housing is than any other sector.

I love the passive voice journalists use when describing police violence. In this case, cops parked their car on an active train track and then detained a woman inside, left the car and it got hit by a train.

At any rate, some of the specific proposals in this piece make sense to me but burying it under obfuscation isn't helping anyone.