The fun part here is that if they're doing this, you know they asked China and China told them to fuck themselves.
Julian E. Barnes @julianbarnes
Biden no longer has the lowest approval rating of any president at this point in their 1st term, per 538 tracker.
He's now slightly ahead of Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Trump. (Below Obama and far below the Bushes)…
Xi is remarkably similar to the CCP's leaders pre-Deng: very good at internal politics and purges, very bad at actual governing and economic development
"I wonder if Feynman's hatred of argument-from-authority would mean that he would endorse people just making up fake Feynman quotes."
- Feynman
My god that’s practically touching the sun!!!!
Robert Fruchtman @_fruchtose
the fundamental problem with NEPA is that it treats unambiguously good projects (e.g. transit & clean energy) with the same level of scrutiny as bad projects (coal plants, highway widening)
…which ends up creating a bias towards inaction entrenching our unsustainable status quo
Neoliberal 🌐🇺🇦 @ne0liberal
I think people have underestimated the degree to which the combination of Zero Covid, the real estate crash, the IT crackdown, and Xi's repressive social policies have eroded the Chinese leadership's legitimacy.
9DASHLINE @9DashLine
Since 2018, many states have legalized online sports betting and the result is not good.
California, vote No on Prop 27. There's a place for gambling, but on any mobile phone is not it.
maxwell @maxwellstrachan
The most based policy initiative in North America
Khelsilem @Khelsilem