"Local control" is the "States' rights" of housing. Cities and towns across the country have century-old planning laws on the books that maintain de facto segregation. History will not look kindly on those who resist reforms.

Diane Yentel @dianeyentel

I would simply make school lunch free https://t.co/zK4elFqZ7S

Zhang Meifang张美芳 @CGMeifangZhang

California regulator just rejected a proposal for a desalination plant that would have provided 50 million gallons of drinking water per day.
They said the water would be “too expensive for low-income consumers.”
Genius logic during a drought… 🤦

The West suddenly has many asks from India. India should also have an ask: visa-free travel.
Not for immigration. But for business travel, which is an important complement to the remote economy. And a key part of how India goes from a $3T to $5T economy. passportindex.org/passport/india/

again, I am wearily forced to remind everyone that Flint's water got fixed thanks to government action and funds - michigan.gov/flintwater/res…

Read Class Struggle Unionism by Joe Burns @JoshuaPotash

"$600,000 is still a lot" until you realize that this infill project decreased the price of buying a home on this lot by *25%.* It also created five more homes than were there before, also selling for 25% less than the teardown did. This is all good, actually.

Pushing The Needle @pushtheneedle

cities grow and change. you wouldn’t expect a kid to stop growing so their clothes could last forever. so i am not sure why cities design their zoning this way either

Weekend reminder that SimCity's creators couldn't accurately reflect the scale of urban parking lots because if they did the game fell apart.

Other than the drone, it's notable for showing what you see in China once you stray just a bit from glitzy parts of Beijing and Shanghai. There is a reason gdp per capita is $10,000

Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv