We ended up in a situation where “socialism” describes the economic systems of both Canada and Cuba and everything in between, while only America has capitalism.
Good read here from @IDoTheThinking on how the YIMBYs scored huge wins in California this summer.
We have a lot to learn on the east coast from the multi-year path to victory here.
The quiet hero of the democrats' climate bill? Mitch McConnell, whose hostage threat backfired: nytimes.com/2022/09/02/us/…
Medicare Advantage is the student loan of healthcare— it's unnecessarily privatizing a social program using taxpayer funds. Instead of expanding services via Medicare directly, taxpayer money is used to grow revenue for a middleman (health plans) that over-promise & under-deliver
Axios @axios
This isn’t the “gotcha” that you think it is 🤭
If cyclists paid proportional tolls (weight and space) car tolls would be in the many thousands of dollars.
If cyclists paid proportional registration fees on the basis of horsepower, car fees would be in the millions.
Carolwithane @carolwthne
Geographic mobility created by the Black Death improved working conditions for those who didn’t die.
Conveniently in today’s world we could achieve the same effect without killing tons of people by changing land use rules.
I don’t think this is correct.
The infrastructure for a fossil fuel economy largely already exists so making new things hard to build disproportionately burdens cleaner alternatives.
Yonah Freemark @yfreemark
@mattyglesias It’s not correct. 42 percent of active DOE projects involving NEPA are clean energy related, vs 15 for fossil fuels. rstreet.org/2021/07/07/add… @RSI
Liberals talk nice. We give people money. We arrange peace talks. We march against racism. We appease the bad guys right up until the moment when appeasement is no longer an option.
But liberalism has always been an iron fist in a velvet glove.
One more interesting dynamic here: the Governor has called for the state to work towards a net CO2 removal goal of 100M tons per year by 2045.
I don't know if it is possible, but if so, the result would be that, thanks to AB1279, CA is about 9% net negative in 2045.
Danny Cullenward @dcullenward
Yes! The idea of "technological unemployment" is possibly the most pernicious idea of our time. It's how liberals convince themselves to be scared of technology, and how libertarians convince normies to be scared of unions.
Down with Luddism!
James Medlock @jdcmedlock