🚨BREAKING: The UN report is finally out, just before midnight
It says that actions of the Chinese government in Xinjiang, "may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity"
JUST IN: China locks down Chengdu to contain virus. Mass testing from today to September 4. Residents ordered to stay at home from 6pm.
Anti-popularists on the left should ask themselves, would things get better or worse for the Republican Party if people started organizing large marches at which the crowd demanded immediate action on banning all abortions?
Social networks to content creators: Hehehe you think that's your ad revenue? That's OUR ad revenue, baby. 😃
Phone platforms to social networks: Hehehe you think that's your ad revenue? That's OUR ad revenue, baby. 😃
Dare Obasanjo @Carnage4Life
Guys only want one thing and it's point-access blocks.
build decarbonized passivhaus ecodistricts now @holz_bau
“The goal, for the most part, seems to be to keep all the hierarchies within the system and simply make the end result perfectly match the racial demographics of the country. This…is a catastrophic and ultimately impoverished way to think about education”
shifting car->ebike is a big win for traffic congestion, land use, housing affordability, environment. This is an insanely lucky break for us and we'd have to be really dumb not to lean into it
BREAKING: China continues to create propaganda depicting America as one of the most badass countries ever in a bizarre attempt to demoralize own troops
What will we need 50% more of by 2040? Copper. How much new primary production capacity is planned? 16%. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
This is a superb piece on the Chinese potential for building an invasion fleet for #Taiwan. It is well-referenced & full of useful insights. Reassessing China’s Power Projection Capabilities Against Taiwan - @WarOnTheRocks
Womp womp
Rob Lee @RALee85