Encouraging sign for permitting reform to build more energy infrastructure:
Opponents seem to be struggling to rally more Democrats against the deal.

Good illustration of a broader point, people don’t undermine democracy for no reason the idea is to ban all abortions and cut popular programs. https://t.co/2K4kST0hze

Taniel @Taniel

Scoop: Federal prosecutors likely to wait until after Nov election to announce any action against Trump, if they determine he broke any laws, sources tell @cstrohm. Under DOJ policy, no investigative steps 60 days before election. This year, that's Sept. 10.

New from me: Trump was never able to wrap his head around the idea that the office of the presidency was separate from the president, the person.
That's bled into his post-presidency, as the Mar-a-Lago documents fiasco makes clear

I knew America had disproportionately high traffic fatalities, but I don't think I realized just how truly bad we are.

it’s because people defend TLJ when we’re all in agreement that ROS was shit and force awakens was shit by virtue of the next two ruining it completely

derek @derpo377

@luchuubit @Noahpinion Chinas EV production is amazing but that’s just one part of the whole picture and that China is still a increasingly massive CO2 generator and many of their state owned companies are the root of the problem

I remember this: @DeanPreston blocked hundred of affordable homes for a “racial equity study” that he said would take 6 months
It’s been 26 months, and it turns out the study was a lie to block the affordable housing indefinitely. what a scandal
Left-NIMBYism must be rejected

Heather Knight @hknightsf

Some people are asking "What was there to be so optimistic about?"
Well, I can show you in one picture:

Gerard DiPippo @gdp1985