Despite numerous credulous media accounts that Mr. Ornato would testify that Cassidy Hutchinson's 1/6 testimony was false (because he didn't tell her that FPOTUS lunged at the neck of his driver), Mr. Ornato never provided that testimony. Today, he resigned from Secret Service.
Zachary Cohen @ZcohenCNN
Don't trust the GDP reports of autocratic countries?
This paper compares growth in city lights to claims of economic growth, and it appears that autocratic regimes over-exaggerate yearly GDP growth by a huge 35%! (& the GDP gap between 🇮🇳 & 🇨🇳 is smaller than official estimates)
I feel like people who think there's something uniquely inefficient about government bureaucracies has never had to deal with a private-sector bureaucracy.
You don’t see any windmills in Westeros because the dragons make any promises regarding the rule of law inherently non-credible.
conservatives be like “it’s Biden’s fault that I have to spend so much money on gas”
nah, you chose to buy a pickup truck that gets 17mpg and live 81 miles from the office, take some personal responsibility
Erick Erickson @EWErickson
Thinking of the HIV patients who paid more than they should have for treatment to bring you this message