The fact that this UN body put months into a report on China and cannot seem to actually publish it says so, so much.

Imogen Foulkes @ImogenFoulkes

"Much of the public thinks being “good at econ” is a synonym for “despises poor people”"
Worth noting that this is often very bad for public policy!
A non-trivial amount of people seem to think "despise poor people" implies "good economics".

Jake M. Grumbach @JakeMGrumbach

I wrote several pieces on gay issues for my high school newspaper, including one on the challenges of coming out as gay in the homophobic landscape of Kansas.
No administrative reaction.
It was 1994.

Julia Carrie Wong @juliacarriew

There are good arguments against the student debt cancellation, but regressiveness is not one of them. Most of the beneficiaries will be people of modest means.

Bharat Ramamurti @BharatRamamurti

Biden decriminalizing weed at the federal level in October would be the GOAT pre-midterm move

Francis Wilkinson @fdwilkinson

And by "these jokers" I do not mean actual academic historians (except for a few Twitter warriors). I mean the jokers who think of themselves as "students of history" and are really just political shouters with nothing to back them up intellectually.

The actual article here is much more measured than some of the rhetoric about it flying around on Twitter. https://t.co/EF5oV9kKhc

Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 @Noahpinion