Asquith, Mast, & Reed (2019)
Mast (2019)
Pennington (2021)
Li (2019)
Mense (2020)
Damiano & Frenier (2020)
All find this https://t.co/pf4XgnhU4b

Jed | OakCityCRE @OakCityCRE

There’s no war with Russia, but congress absolutely voted for both the sanctions and the aid to Ukraine — this has been a much more official and legal undertaking than most of America’s recent bombing escapades.

Chip Roy @chiproytx

"Russia's final warning"

Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 @IAPonomarenko

It appears that the inflation reduction act quietly made the investment tax credit (30% of cost) work for energy storage that isn’t tied to / powered by a home solar installation 🤔

Meta-analysis of lead/crime lit finds pub bias but thinks there’s real effect sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Oh, wow. Berlin introduced a rent freeze in 2020 and lifted it in 2021, because the negative effects on supply of apartments were *absolutely brutal*!

Juan Luis Jiménez @JuanLuis_JG

I could not agree more with @EricTopol 👇🏽
While we are gaining more insights into the disease pathogenesis of #longCOVID, we also need to start well-designed randomized clinical trials now! Patients cannot wait any longer, and scientists will learn from RCTs to improve therapy. https://t.co/m7UGAj5IVw

Eric Topol @EricTopol