They questioned me for hours but I told them nothing

New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

India's foreign-exchange reserves are plunging at one of the fastest speeds in the world.
They have dropped $70 billion, or 11%, since September last year.

I think people who don’t like their jobs misunderstand how relaxing it can be for someone to just keep doing something he likes. https://t.co/kB6MeGIuzP

Katie Mack @AstroKatie

A really good thing progressive funders could do is to stop plowing money into organizations whose main function is to generate bad press for Democrats and help Republicans win elections.

Climate Families NYC 🌅 @sunrisekidsnyc

This thread is a cry for help, isn't it

John Scalzi @scalzi

If this research fraud set back a cure for Alzheimers by on average 10 years, it would have cost us 250 million quality-adjusted life years (QALYs).
I'm sorry to use provocative language, but that would put it among history's worst crimes against humanity.

Charles Piller @cpiller