The environmentalist playbook: hasten climate change by shutting down nuclear and hydro and make us unable to adapt by blocking desalination.

Alternate history where the USSR responds to the Carter administration’s aid to Afghanistan by embargoing oil exports, sending gasoline prices surging and bringing the West to its knees.

If Warnock actually wins this thing, just make him the presidential nominee. https://t.co/DT4WUGet9U

Jacob Rubashkin @JacobRubashkin

Has there been discussion of having the bls release data on a more real-time basis and/or giving the Fed advanced access? It would be extremely valuable for them to have an educated guess at the July inflation rate when they have their July 27 meeting.

One way to do this would be for the bls to publish a daily “confidence interval” for the next data release. It would start out wide and symmetrical (relative to the last release) and gradually tighten as we approach release day.

It would involve a pay cut but I am willing to extend my trip and serve as Prime Minister of Italy if they need someone.

Creepy shit

Edward-Isaac Dovere @IsaacDovere

Oldie but yeah it is. Low admission rates among public universities is bad actually, and exclusionary metrics like that + small undergraduate bodies is what private schools pride themselves on -- not public universities.

This is a bill that bans a large percent of immigrants from specific types of jobs. Passed by a Democratic-controlled House.

Catherine Rampell @crampell

And these are the folks Xi won't let play video games or go to tutoring or join pop fandoms

Trinh @Trinhnomics


Bill Melugin @BillFOXLA