I’m so glad to see that @DavidAFrench is making the case for Trump to be prosecuted for 18 U.S.C. 2383, incitement to insurrection and rebellion. Important to add that the penalty for conviction is *disqualification from holding public office*

If you live in SF you should be furious. We could/should be #1 in everything: energy, infra, industry, transit, families.
Instead politicians—whose greatest achievement is “I bought a house here decades ago”—piss record tax revenue away on debates like “should we build homes”.

Airline management seems very odd https://t.co/o5b8YaQp1F

Gio Benitez @GioBenitez

The problem with Elon Musk owning Twitter is that his business interests in China far exceed the value of Twitter. https://t.co/08GeSghYtJ

Jonathan Cheng @JChengWSJ

Apple, another American company with massive manufacturing interests in China, maintains a rule that no Apple TV+ content is allowed to upset the Chinese government.
That’s shitty but ultimately trivial compared to applying a similar rule to Twitter.

They’re just offering gentle “sidewalk counseling” to a group of wayward jurists by “offering information about alternatives to [wantonly annihilating constitutional rights and the rule of law] and help pursuing those options.” McCullen v. Coakley, 573 U.S. 464, 472 (2014)

The Washington Post @washingtonpost