Former U.S. President Barack “Based” Obama on zoning and NIMBYism: “the most liberal communities in the country aren’t that liberal when it comes to affordable housing”
What leftists get right: Both persuasion & mobilization matter.
What leftists get wrong: Sporadic voters are more moderate than consistent voters, so to the extent that issues matter at all (i.e., not that much but some) you pursue both goals the same way.
Ted Fertik @tedfertik
Trump being tricked into going into his car after the rally thinking he'd be going to the Capitol then flipping out violently and ineffectually when he found out he was scammed is the entire "Is Trump a weak or strong president?" political science discourse in one gonzo scene.
Fox made a stab at ditching Trump in the immediate aftermath of the election, but they lost market share to Newsmax and OANN and got back on message.
Now they're taking another try at executing the pivot to DeSantis.
Acyn @Acyn
This is the police reform thing that nobody is talking about, but which would work. (And it's what Europe does; they have as many cops as we do, but much more professionalized.)
TheOmniZaddy 🇺🇦 @TheOmniZaddy
I assume Cassidy Hutchinson's political views are the opposite of mine...and might likely horrify me...and yet it's impossible to deny that courage today is one of the very best example of patriotism I've ever witnessed.
Throughout its history, Christianity has flourished as an opposition movement and withered as an established state institution, and I don't see any reason to expect this to change.
It’s widely believed that Prohibition caused an increase in violent crime (the text at the beginning of The Untouchables says this), but looking at state-level variation in when alcohol was banned and re-legalized suggests that it didn’t.…
Ken From 2012: what kind of things will we be lawsplaining in the distant future of 2022?
Ken from 2022: "What are the elements of assault on a Secret Service agent if it's the President doing it?"
Ken from 2012: Fine, be an asshole and don't tell me.