“I do not believe that targeting amyloid is going to lead to a useful Alzheimer's therapy, and watching these trials feels to me like watching someone trying to put out an oil well fire by dumping duffel bags of money onto it from helicopters” @Dereklowe
“@DonaldShoup's superpowers include the ability to shoot parking meters out of his eyes, and the ability to fly using his car as a rocketship. He has used these powers to great effect in the war on off-street parking.”
Humans imprisoned in the Matrix
Lauren Boebert @laurenboebert
Guy wandering around in body armor with an AR-15 caused multiple 911 calls, cops came but determined what he was doing was legal under Oklahoma's "constitutional carry" law, but arrested him because he was in possession of brass knuckles, which are illegal
Me, interviewing:
The binary tree lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not inverting it. Why is that?
SwiftOnSecurity @SwiftOnSecurity