"Simsbury, CT, which is 87 percent white, just finalized a sale of nearly 300 acres to a land trust—killing an affordable-housing project in the process—on the premise that the site is historically significant because MLK once worked there."

Does not seem ideal.

Liam Dillon @dillonliam

Saw the new Top Gun but never saw the first movie—I assume they cover the backstory on how these big machines can just… fly?

Something I always wonder about is how big could Greater New York get in a YIMBYtopia?
In theory there is supposed to be some balance point between agglomeration benefits and congestion disamenities, but real wages are already higher in Boston & DC so I’m a little skeptical.

Given that the United States has so many more people than Japan, I think unconstrained New York should probably grow to be meaningfully larger than Tokyo — more than doubling the current population of the metro area.

Japan’s transportation infrastructure is a lot more sophisticated than ours which might hold us back, but even with current infrastructure NYC has a lot of unused subway capacity.

For monetary policy purposes, it seems like a mistake to calculate inflation based on average rents rather than spot rents.
I’ve been trying to think of something really tedious to write about for Thursday’s post so maybe this will be it. https://t.co/xFCoG3nyRW

Breaking News | FinancialJuice @Financialjuice1

I hate to say that English people are right about anything, but calling the stuff you put in your cars "petrol" instead of "gas" is useful for avoiding ambiguity as to whether you're talking about gasoline or natural gas.

Incredible how quickly the narrative has gone from "no one wants to work anymore" to "we need to use public policy to put people out of work because unemployment is too low"

Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo

If this is accurate, it means Ukraine is inflicting 3 to 1 casualties on the Russians. Russia has a 4 to 1 population advantage, but due to limited mobilization it probably doesn't have a 3 to 1 military manpower advantage right now.

Michael Weiss 🌻🇺🇸🇮🇪 @michaeldweiss