Students in Hong Kong will soon be given textbooks that say Hong Kong was never a British colony.
The books are part of China’s effort to instill a historical narrative in a city where a pro-democracy movement was crushed.
Bans on unrelated people living together had unsubtle motives — note the praise of Chicago for an ordinance that clarified servants are okay.…
Did a wolf write this
Philip Oldfield @SustainableTall
The Fed's "average inflation targeting" regime is a farce. If you make up below-target inflation but don't compensate at all for above-target inflation that isn't average inflation targeting. It's just a chaotic increase in your inflation target.…
There’s a decent argument for setting a higher inflation target to avoid the zero lower bound. But if the fed is going to do that it should actually announce a new target, with a clear explanation of how it’s going to work.
Minneapolis saw a huge increase in new housing supply under its 2040 updated zoning code and was the *only* American city to see a drop in market rents and so naturally our reactionary court system and lifestyle-liberal "environmental review" laws are putting a stop to it.
Star Tribune @StarTribune