The energy discourse is so weird right now. Senate Democrats have spent the past 16 months negotiating a deflationary energy-reform bill. Now an energy-driven inflation crisis is crashing the economy. Maybe y’all should, you know, hurry up with that bill?

Berkeley's bicycle improvements are visually a mess but i like that Berkeley opts for concrete which makes drivers very angry while Oakland loves pylon and paint that can be ignored or ran over.

I found @JonSteinsson’s case for really fast/sharp hikes that you can then reverse if needed to be persuasive when he laid it out a while back.

Jason Furman @jasonfurman

LaMDA’s not sentient, it just does the combined work of an actor and a screenwriter to craft a fully-realized character that *seems* sentient.

if you must do facade articulation (and really, you don't *have* to), I think a menu of choices like this probably makes sense
but doing this and then *also* a much more rigid set of requirements for plane changes limits the benefits

This neighborhood in Bologna, Italy grew a dense urban forest using one weird trick — traffic engineers hate them

Council members arguing to keep parking requirements tonight say that our lowest income residents need required parking because they depend on their cars.
Almost correct, our lowest income residents live *in* their cars, and those same council members want them gone.

Housing discourse has been so annoying the past few days so now my only housing take is that all new buildings need gargoyles. The only thing I will tweet about is replacing parking minimums w gargoyle minimums.

Vinny Thomas @vinn_ayy