It’s interesting to read coverage from a couple of generations ago when planners were deliberately creating the contemporary homelessness crisis by outlawing market-rate housing for poor people.…
I agree with @DamonLinker that Donald Trump's behavior in January 2021 was very bad for the health of American democracy, but I was surprised by the inclusion of Turkey and Hungary on this list. Democracy in those countries seems in worse shape.…
1. Inflationary times make neoliberal politics
2. Neoliberal politics makes disinflationary times
3. Disinflationary times make populist politics
4. Populist politics makes inflationary times
I’m concerned that Justice Thomas’s wife scheming with state legislators to overturn the result of a presidential election will tend to suggest in the minds of some that the Supreme Court is political and erode its legitimacy.
Patrick Marley @patrickdmarley
Regulate the dating industry. What could go wrong!?
Jacobin @jacobin
Denmark is actually very nice and one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
Carla Sands @CarlaHSands
"Upzoning isnt going to solve the housing crisis by itself"
I totally agree thats why its so frustrating you have to make a movement and spend years on something so basic. Land use should be a layup to other hard costs and financing issues and yet look how mad people get over it
I watched the Jan 6 recap with my mom. We tried to be balanced and switch between CNN + Fox.
Fox had the video of the hearings only. No audio. With Hannity talking over it the entire time and not showing the attacks or cops testifying
That was utterly Orwellian censorship
Mohamad Safa @mhdksafa