If you don’t even purport to be using your wealth and influence to accomplish anything useful, you seem to attract less criticism than the people who are trying and — by trying — inevitably falling short in some respects of their claims.

I'm looking forward to the compromise between CA Sen. @Portantino's proposed rebate to households with few cars, and Gov. @GavinNewsom 's proposed rebate to households with more cars -- a rebate to every household regardless of car ownership. 🙃

Streets For All @streetsforall

Senior Noahpinion columnist Noah Smith has been placed on temporary leave due to certain negative comments that have created a hostile workplace. Junior staffer Noah Smith reportedly said "I refuse to work with that fat asshole."

Like the elephant, a Russian military vehicle near the end of its life finds its way to the ancestral burial ground of Russian armor in Ukraine to die

Expat in Kyiv @expatua