If you look at other countries where they have fewer school shootings do they tend to have dramatically more door inspections?
I’m skeptical that’s the issue here.

America needs robots, make productivity go brrr

𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 @swinshi

Sectoral transition of workers out of leisure & hospitality and into transportation & warehousing is probably good for productivity and living standards.
But need mining & logging to recover.

That's right folks, I keep saying, if the U.S. govt. really cared about you they'd send you tanks, drones, and rocket artillery!

Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen

The only way to stop school shootings is to have every teacher bombard their students with a HIMARS from 100 km away

Part of the lost wisdom of the ancients is that Americans are "ideologically conservative but operationally liberal" so you make progress by downplaying left ideological concepts and talking about specific policies can advance conservative or moderate values.

I wouldn’t say this is the last word but @GrowSF finds a banal growth message outperforms a left-NIMBY one even in San Francisco.

for Democrats looking to donate, the best bang for your buck in federal races might be in putting some money into CA-22/CA-27/CA-45 instead of donating to Senate races.
Warnock, Hassan, CCM, Fetterman, and Kelly are all great fundraisers. They'll be ok. House candidates won't.

Thinking about this is making me stressed out and grateful that I haven’t had a job interview in a very long time

Remember, the purpose of sanctions is not to starve Russians, it's to starve the Russian war machine...

Saleha Mohsin @SalehaMohsin

We give American infrastructure a lot of shit, and we give TSA a lot of shit, but it's useful to put this in perspective every once in a while.

Frank Schilbach @FrankSchilbach