Contrast between how we’ve regulated cars and massively improved safety vs what we’ve done with firearms is…certainly something.…
Bryan Leyva, MD⚕️ @DrBryanLeyva
Wonder if their 40-year-old nukes work better
Navy Lookout @NavyLookout
4. Those Dayton deaths were entirely a function of the kind of weapon that Betts was carrying. If extended magazines were banned, or (even better) if semi-automatic weapons with detachable magazines were banned, the toll Betts took before being killed would have been far lower.
Politics is downstream of culture, which is why our partisan debates increasingly feature superpowered costumed adventurers.
40% of Uvalde’s city budget goes to police. The school district had its own police force. This is what happened ⬇️
After decades of mass shootings, there is still 0 evidence that police have the ability to stop them from happening. Gun safety and other policies can.
Brynn Tannehill @BrynnTannehill
I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends
Simon Casey @sjcasey