i'd say: nobody needs to tell anyone else to "assume good intent".
most reasonable people assume good intent *anyways* for ordinary real-life misunderstandings. anyone who explicitly invokes "assume good intent" is probably using it as cover for acting like an asshole.

Vicky Harp @vickyharp

Pillars of democracy:
* Free and fair elections
* Separation of powers
* Equal rights for all US citizens
* Content moderation on Twitter

Max Boot 🇺🇦 @MaxBoot

Two senators is not enough to vigorously represent the the interests of California's gigantic and diverse population, and by forcing all that work to be done by just *one* senator Feinstein's team is really doing a disservice to their constituents.

The electric F-150 is the actual game changer.
When Republican men who think climate change is a hoax and would never buy an electric vehicle for planet saving reasons realize that a fully loaded pickup can go 0-60 in less than 5 seconds....

The idea that Russian generals are accused of corruption in Vladimir Putin’s kleptocracy is beyond satire. A criminal regime doesn’t like people stealing from it. As Gary Kasparov says: Every country has a mafia. In Russia the mafia has a country.

Anders Åslund @anders_aslund

Two opposing views from Brookings folks on geographic shifts:
1. Kane, Tong, Schuetz: "this largely continues pre-pandemic trends" brookings.edu/blog/the-avenu…
2. Frey: "not just a continuation of past trends"

But what about all those semiconductor companies they were going to start? 🤪

Rita Liao @ritacyliao