The “proxy warfare” framing of this is weird, as if the US hired a bunch of Ukrainian guys to go fight Russia.
The war is bad! Russia should stop invading!

Michael Tracey @mtracey

Gotta respect the bald moral deciduousness of pretending to be scandalized by the DNC chair saying rude things about Republicans in the same week an elected House GOP member called Democrats "pro-pedophile."

Max Kennerly @MaxKennerly

To me, the cultural milieu that says this is an acceptable way to proceed in an intellectual field — where you don't state what your objections are to the article you're mad at, you instead make up things about it to signal to others — is suffering from some serious problems.

GPT-3 is impressive but a skilled human takeslinger can still clearly do YIMBY takes better than this.

This is very good news: Moms have been returning to work at a rapid pace in recent months. A full recovery could happen by summer (if not sooner).

Nick Bunker @nick_bunker

More & more companies are closely monitoring what their employees do. But this paper suggests that monitoring increases unethical behavior, at least when employees don’t believe they being treated fairly, because watched employees don’t feel agency & control over their actions.

More evidence that we should try my "just build and immediately decommission a thousand military bases" solution to our housing problems

Stars and Stripes @starsandstripes

An innovative new system that includes electronic implants directly onto the spinal cord reactivates neurons that control blood pressure, allowing a patient with MSA-P to retain consciousness when in an upright position.
#neurotech #neuroscience #science

One thing Game of Thrones got right is that the world isn't "good guys vs. bad guys". It's "flawed, inconsistent, hypocritical guys vs. bad guys".

Your heroes will always disappoint you and let you down. But the villains will usually live up to their reputations.

I think what's happening here is very simple: key parts of "the discourse" are dominated by people who hated and were bad at math, and so they've decided it promotes equity to de-emphasize advanced math.