Hell yeah...Newsmax???
Newsmax @newsmax
Within 24 hours, Russia has gone from denials Bucha ever happened ("These are crisis actors! Look, one of them just moved!") to blaming it on Ukraine, to fully embracing it, because "denazifying Ukraine means completely eradicating everything and everyone Ukrainian."
Believe them
NEXTA @nexta_tv
It seems like Joe Biden’s efforts to improve Ukraine’s quality of governance were successful and not in fact a corrupt giveaway to his son at all — a debate many people once pretended to be interested in is now pretty settled.
Even on a straight policy question, I never a see a story that’s like “here’s what Kevin McCarthy says he would do to reduce inflation and some evidence as to how likely that is to work.”
If you’re going to take the criticisms seriously, take them seriously.
Great writeup at @reason about the lawsuit against #HB1557 #DontSayGay. Bill should be ruled "void for vagueness," among other drafting flaws. Also note where opponents tried to amend bill to actually make it about sex ed, but were rejected. #flapol
Elon Musk has already made ~$750 million on his Twitter trade, which is approximately double Twitter’s net income for the last 3 years.
A lot of people don’t want to hear about it, but the fact is that Tema Okun’s work is widely used in school and nonprofit settings and it’s bad
slowboring.com/p/tema-okun?s=w https://t.co/BQspDzjFHz
Karlyn Borysenko, Tower Event Creator 🇺🇦 @DrKarlynB
This is a good tweet and did big numbers.
But I think any serious look at the structure of the news industry would show that takesters subsidize shoe leather and not vice-versa.
Chris Albon @chrisalbon
6/But this argument didn't have the weight of genetic data behind it.
Fortunately, @razibkhan has provided some very useful data on Russians and Ukrainians, in this blog post:
Russian forces tortured & killed civilians in the villages around the southern city of Mykolaiv during their brief occupation of the area. Horror stories are following the Russian military on every front
Isabelle Khurshudyan @ikhurshudyan
boy Angela Merkel was really a disastrous chancellor. oversaw a decade of economic stagnation, agreed to shut down Germany's nuclear plants, went all-in on Russian gas, etc
Reporting by @ChuBailiang on a 🇨🇳 domestic ideological campaign to support 🇷🇺 and blame the 🇺🇸 w/ insights from @DrRadchenko & @JosephTorigian nytimes.com/2022/04/04/wor…
This is gonna backfire so hard. You don't go after Disney.
Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
Russians killed 22K Polish Officers and Intelligentsia in 1940 in the Katyn Massacre, to eliminate the possibility of a Polish State. They are doing this again, in Ukraine. How can we possibly negotiate with them? Need to break their back now, while we have a chance.
Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews
In January, I wrote that my piece on the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation was one of the hardest I'd done. This one has been heartbreaking. As organizers have fallen homeless, I uncovered a $6 million property purchased with BLMGNF funds. 1/
Yep. People forget how much brain power and dedication went into the making of the Soviet economic system...which wasn't even very good, but was miles better than whatever Putin is doing now.
Branko Milanovic @BrankoMilan