Rick Scott says senate republicans want to tax the poor while defunding K-12 schools, police, and all other local services + potential repeal of Social Security and the Clean Air Act.
McConnell says that’s not true, but the real agenda is a secret.

Like I think the Compact crew is right to be a bit cynical about the motives of the strongest anti-Russian voices in the west — they're *glad* this war is happening because it's ruinous for Russia.
But the correct solution is for Russia to stop the invasion.

The official YouTube explainer on fair use has been blocked for a copyright claim. That’s some deep, rich irony right there https://t.co/qzDF0HlOVC

Talen Lee @Talen_Lee

My man POTUS also dramatically scaled back drone and withdrew troops from Afghanistan and gets 1/100th the respect in certain quarters that Trump won from sporadically pretending to be dovish.

A good place for a new city in America would be Palo Alto.

Adam Ozimek @ModeledBehavior

My belief is that it given the opportunity, the innovators of Silicon Valley could develop a technology that allows the vertical stacking of residential dwellings & disrupt lane scarcity.

Michele @jmichelek

Every email to the parents listserve says they are looking to hire a “warm and dependable” nanny/babysitter — but those of us who are cold and erratic need jobs too!

Costa Rica is 72% hydro + 15% geothermal.
Norway is 92% hydro.
It's insulting to even bring up a country as poor as Namibia in this context, but their electricity is about half hydro.

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin