Copyright term reform is a good idea and I hope we can do this on a bipartisan basis no matter how dumb conservatives’ reasons are.
But my strong guess is this won’t happen and Disney executives will get a large tax cut instead. https://t.co/iALYHgqwxU

Acyn @Acyn

A big divide in the field was whether we should ban all fracking — how many votes do you think that would get in the senate if it came up next week?

Carstens says there have been many attempts to roll back CEQA, but that have been countered by "people like us."
These are the "people like us" in question, btw, so that tracks.

Going to forever drive me insane that Larry Summers made a probabilistic forecast and gave the current scenario (high job growth/high inflation) a 1% chance of happening and people are acting like he was right https://t.co/sx1J2poQ7t

Daniel Zhao @DanielBZhao

Remember that Chapo Trap House told us we were warmongers for wanting to give weapons to Ukrainians to defend themselves against this:

Matthew Kaminski @KaminskiMK


David Watson 🥑 @FifthRocket

Yep. After the financial crisis, China unleashed a ton of real estate development and infrastructure construction -- two sectors where productivity gains are notoriously low. These sectors absorbed resources from the rest of the economy, driving down overall productivity growth.

Caleb Watney @calebwatney

The basic problem for China's planners here is that curbing the real estate industry will massively reduce growth, but the only way it'll increase *productivity* growth is if curbing real estate forces a reallocation of resources to better sectors.