👀 More evidence of disquiet/opposition in Russia’s armed forces about war in Ukraine. More revealing than the “opinion polls” too often cited in western media !
max seddon @maxseddon
Here is what it looks like when I make the TV Forecast onboarding screens interactive. You might be wondering why I went to all the trouble of doing it this way. There are many reasons, but the main reason is, I felt like it.
Matt Comi @mattcomi
My “this new batch of conscripts isn’t going to Ukraine” t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the shirt. https://t.co/xvVgd5N1kb
Reuters @Reuters
CNN reports 1/6 "7 hour gap" likely did not reflect falsification of records or an anomaly specific to that day, but rather Trump's general practice of not using the WH switchboard while in Oval Office (in part to keep his calls secret / avoid records)
Just making sure everyone read “The Bitter Lesson”, as it is one of the best compact pieces of insight into nature of progress in AI. Good habit to keep checking ideas on whether they pass the bitter lesson gut check
Ukraine is fighting for its very survival. We cannot allow it to lose.
Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews
It is too bad that Russia let Joe Biden trick them into invading Ukraine but they could fix this by ending the invasion.
Francis Scarr @francska1