Captures the Ukrainian view well:
“we know that the road to join the EU will be long and difficult. But..our application is literally sealed with Ukrainian blood should & be the strongest possible sign that we indeed belong as a part of a United Europe.”

The most galling aspect of Apple’s views here is how inconsistent they are with the reality of the App Store, which we all know contains tons of gross, scammy, misleading, untrustworthy, insecure, privacy-invading apps — often on the top charts, and often targeting children.

nilay patel @reckless

This is a good thread, but I sincerely stick with my original complaint that the *best* way to move the debate forward would be for anti-popularists to stop deliberately misrepresenting positions and instead cite and argue with specific claims made by specific people.

John Sides @johnmsides

I argued at the time that it was counterproductive to expend resources on trying to get presidential candidates to embrace ideas like banning private insurance, a national fracking ban, decriminalizing illegal entry, repealing the Hyde Amendment, etc.

Joe Biden, wisely, avoided most of those commitments and won the election (which is good!).
And in cases (like Hyde) where he did not avoid the commitments, he also isn't able to actually do the policy. It's all cost, no benefit. Bad idea.

Wow, they're pulling reinforcements from everywhere just to throw them into the meat-grinder.
Keep arming the Ukrainians!!

C4H10FO2P @markito0171

wrote about the limits of 'representation' politics, the pressure it places on creators, and "Turning Red," a film that seems both aware of it's "place" but also, thankfully, just dives in anyway.

"Senators were discussing removing as much as $5 billion in aid for the global vaccination effort as they scrambled to resolve disputes over how to finance the package."
Even if you want to cut spending, this is a crazy way to do it.

This is a very longstanding trend but it’s always striking how much more satisfied parents are with the school their kid actually attends than people are when you ask about K-12 education in general.

I mean if the conservative movement were something other than a con that exploits cultural issues for votes in order to redistribute wealth upwards there is a lot that it could do but … it’s not.

Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese