Well, they were sure of Russian victory. We have absolute military superiority and can easily crush Ukraine. We may not invade, but if we do, we'll 100% win. This was based on assumption about the invincibility of Russian army. Compare vibe of Russian TV in late February and now

The assumption that Russia gonna win was based on three elements. First, on the mythos of WWII. They conveniently forgot that in WWII Russia fought on the side of greatest economic power and now it's fighting against. See Soviet soldiers on American Studebakers

@binarybits @christianbrits This chart is a good illustration of @AlanMCole's geometry argument. NYC has lots of bridge/tunnel lanes open to automobile traffic, but the AM hourly peak passenger throughput of bus/rail dwarfs automobile traffic.

Given that, it’s funny this whole story came about bcs that Keenan Ramsey profile sent a LinkedIn message to @noUpside — one of the few people who CAN spot the telltale signs of an AI-generated image.
"The face jumped out at me as being fake," she says. npr.org/2022/03/27/108…

Do you? Or do you just need the old Churchill joke that there’s no alternative that would reliably do any better?

Yascha Mounk @Yascha_Mounk

Groundbreaking new research shows a far-UVC (ultraviolet light) air purification system can reduce levels of an airborne pathogen by 98% within minutes.
This is equivalent to an incredible 184 air changes per hour - better than even HEPA air cleaners.

Putin providing clarity on key culture war topics: making a clear cleavage point between the truly illiberal right and conservatives, and between the left and those against America spending any money on defense. Yet another way that I think the mid-2010s culture war is over.

A narrow majority of Japanese support restarting idled nuclear reactors for first time since 2011 Fukushima disaster, according to a new poll 🇯🇵☢️🚨
➡️53% said reactors should restart: Nikkei
➡️High fuel prices threaten Japan's economy, stretch grid

rUssIa WAs PrOvOKed BY natO expAnSION

Julia Davis @JuliaDavisNews

Potential realigning issue that could break America out of deadlock.

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin

Bot army

Tim Graham 🌻 @timothyjgraham

I'm all for soaking the rich, but agree taking unrealized gains is completely bonkers.
What I'd actually change: 50% estate tax, no basis step-up on death, and make it illegal to borrow against unrealized gains.

Robert Nelsen @rtnarch