I think Donald Trump's wildly inappropriate handling of the TikTok case prevented people from thinking clearly about the case. It's really not a good idea for a Chinese company to run one of our most popular social media networks.

I think a reasonable peace settlement should include an ironclad guarantee that an American director or Putin’s choice will get a big budget to make a movie about the Battle of Kursk. https://t.co/5ksuhAPtIB

Jimmy @JimmySecUK

"Earlier this month, Mikhail Gorbachev celebrated his 91st birthday in obscurity at his home near Moscow, the forgotten leader of Russia’s brief, unsuccessful move toward democracy at home and on its borders."

Carl P. Leubsdorf @CarlPLeubsdorf

The main dispute regarding Hunter's laptop was not about whether the material was "real" but whether it proved Joe Biden's corruption as Trump's team claimed (it didn't)

If Gov. Newsom is willing to just toss our emissions goals by rewarding car ownership and gas tax holidays for no reason other than to get re-elected in the safest blue state then it's settled that California leaders were just virtue signaling about global warming the whole time.

Looks like one of these guys is mortally afraid of his own troops. I'm just not sure which one. Could you please help me to figure it out?

You just fired an employee because you didn't like the video he posted on YouTube.

Elon Musk @elonmusk

I am the very model of a Russian Major General
My standing in the battlefield is growing quite untenable
My forces, though equipped and given orders unequivocal
Did not expect the fight to be remotely this reciprocal

thaddeus e. grugq 🌻 @thegrugq

New research: making the Childcare Tax Credit expansion permanent "would cost $97 billion per year and generate social benefits with net present value of $982 billion per year." This is the program Manchin killed under guise of fiscal conservatism.

The fact that Russia is focusing resources on this shit, and on reeducation shit in Kherson, has big "Hitler in 1944" vibes.
Focusing on brutalizing the people you can still brutalize, even as defeat looms.

Anastasiia Lapatina @lapatina_