Tokyo added 1.9m people since 2000 (⬆️13.7%)
New York added 795k people since 2000
San Francisco added 97k people since 2000 (⬆️11%)
Here is how housing costs have compared between 東京都, NYC, and SF:

What could we possibly do about a situation where demand for dwellings is high but demand for offices is low?

David Wessel @davidmwessel

Attention: Taiwan.

Rob Lee @RALee85

This is why I have canceled plans for Slow Boring to do a SPAC merger. https://t.co/xmKCBLFiqH

Ryan Butner Uses The Internet @RSButner

Secret Congress passed a small pro-housing bill and didn't even tell me about it!

Congress would function better if there were no cameras in confirmation hearings and the only point of asking questions was to solicit an answer rather than generate a video clip of yourself.

Relatedly, it would be a bad idea to broadcast video of Supreme Court oral arguments.

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

Marc Andreessen @pmarca