This has to be among the top 10 "To be sure..." paragraphs in New York Times history (an extremely competitive list).

Solution: Stick Putin in the trunk of a car and ship him to San Francisco! We will happily give him asylum. He can live in Golden Gate Park

Eric Schmitt @EricSchmittNYT

People seem to want to help Ukrainian refugees, and instead of calling them racist we should take yes for an answer and have a generous policy toward Ukrainian refugees.

One of the most profound political frustrations for me is how Democrats were handed a genuine mass movement of spontaneously organizing grassroots anti-Trumpism that dwarfed the Tea Party, and... it seemed to scare them. They ran away from it. theatlantic.com/politics/archi…

Me trying to get my kid to put his socks on this morning https://t.co/J60X5oIbxM

Eric Schmitt @EricSchmittNYT

The single greatest advantage the United States has over China is that high-skilled immigrants would much rather move here.
Imagine if we reformed our immigration system to actually let them...

I’m glad Iran’s leaders don’t quite seem to see it this way but given the posture of the Republican Party, I sincerely do not understand why anyone in the Iranian government would be interested in making a nuclear deal with the United States.

Anyways I am looking forward to my future career as a hardline Iranian blogger — better start learning Farsi.

I think I offended a room full of EAs by saying this, but I think we are living through what is essentially the birth of a new and important religious movement that has its own ethics, metaphysics, and eschatology (but I mean it in a good way).

When the Supreme Court paved the way for the Jan. 6 Committee to access Trump White House documents, the vote was 8-1 with Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting. https://t.co/ohbN7EwxeO

Jane Mayer @JaneMayerNYer

It’s not every day that we provide immediate relief to our constituents with our votes. We just passed #SB118 to protect the admission of thousands of students to Berkeley — and all public colleges. We’ll always keep the door open for all that pursue higher ed

people have started liking this year-and-a-half old tweet out of the blue, from which i can surmise that Urs must have said something tone-deaf again

Colin McMillen @mcmillen

Just staggering that we’re going to fight each other to death about mask rules in airports while doing ~nothing on prevention and preparedness.

Nikki Teran @nicoleateran

Good riddance OAN, Putin Propaganda machine.

Duty To Warn 🔉 @duty2warn