reminder that the austerity politics leading to proposed Oakland school closures would've been largely averted if commercial Prop 13 reform had passed in 2020. OUSD would've gotten $25 million more dollars in corporate property taxes and the city $63.7 million.

Hi, submarine expert here. This behaviour looks cute but actually they only display their tubes like this when they're angry, so please keep your distance

WarshipPorn @WarshipPorn

Conversely, I am now ready to cancel Chapelle

southpaw @nycsouthpaw

Staggering that Memphis was the world’s largest city 5,000 years ago and today it’s only #2 in the state of Tennessee.

Guillaume 2 Calignon @gcalignon

I should have known this one, since of course the court was initially created to hold Lucy accountable for her antics at the candy factory

🚨🚨 BREAKING: The National Archives & Records Administration has asked the Justice Department to examine Trump’s handling of WH records, sparking discussions among federal law enforcement officials about whether they should investigate the former president for a possible crime.

Burning incriminating documents, shredding them, crumpling them and throwing them in the river, etc. show consciousness of guilt.
Repeatedly EATING emotionally provocative documents? There's a decent argument that guy's just not right.

Gary Whitta @garywhitta

I persist in my belief that the social taboo against girls hitting on guys convinces men they're not attractive, thus contributing to many many social problems.

Brandon Bradford @BrandonLBradfor