holy lord

Mary Harrington @moveincircles

Housing shortages may be driving or exacerbating all of America's major problems: low productivity growth, inequality, climate change, etc.

Good piece from @lxeagle17 — more moderate candidates due better on average in terms of turnout as well as persuasion

this is super exciting!! sectoral bargaining has been circulating only in wonky circles for a while now and it's cool to see it go mainstream

Fight For 15 @fightfor15

Breaking News: Pfizer applied to the FDA for a two-dose vaccine for children under 5 while research continues over whether three doses would be more effective for that age group.

I love finding New Yorker cartoons so dated that the joke is lost entirely and the cartoons become just descriptions of people doing normal things.

Good thread on Russia, Ukraine & the mistakes progressives make in analysing the situation.

Terrell Jermaine Starr @Russian_Starr

The moral of every story about something dumb happening at a school board somewhere is that school boards are a bad idea and the mayor or county executive should appoint an administrator to run the school system.

No more elaborate exemptions
No more "X% above mandated BMR reqs"
No more haggling over the definition of what "teacher housing" is
As @CSElmendorf said: "Time’s up. Strip it from the charter and be done with it." - progressive whining be damned

We had this weird political thing where some public health people decided that boosters were a way of hoarding vaccines and depriving poor countries. And the political Right couldn't push back on that because they were in full antivax mode.

Adam W Gaffney @awgaffney