Encouraging update here. Conditions slowly normalizing.
A mind-blowing YoY rent comparison:
New York City +33.5%
Oakland +0.5%
Carl Gershenson 🏘️ @cgershenson
Though NYC’s sidewalk sheds might give the impression of a city perpetually under construction, most exist thanks to the city’s unique, unusually costly requirements for inspecting and maintaining building façades. cityjourn.al/3rOTFdx via @cmhrrs
Abbott is a corrupt socialist.
He encouraged his corporate buddies to make obscene profits during the grid failure and forced us to pay for their windfall in higher utility bills.
He privatized the gains to a few and socialized the losses to every single ratepayer in Texas.
Do people really think we're going to be able to reshore our supply chains with an education system that's relentlessly focused on not teaching anyone anything difficult?
garrytan.eth 陈嘉兴 🥑🌐🦇🔊🍌🔺(∞, ∞) @garrytan
This is what makes him the hero we need — there are tons of “non-twitter” Dem electeds, but few who aggressively play the role on Twitter where it’s valuable.
Ben Smith @benyt
In shock that @CaltransHQ is calling hydrogen power the most environmentally friendly option for powering intercity trains given how hydrogen is produced 🤯
Democratic partisanship increases with Republican extremism but decreases as Democrats move leftward, especially among Southern Whites. Simulations for 2020 suggest these strong negative effects of an aggressive leftward move
From Dynamic Partisanship:
Me in 1990: I bet by the time I’m really old, like 2022 or something, we’ll have flying cars and space colonies and a cure for cancer, because we’re so devoted to scientific progress as a nation
Actual 2022:
The strongest argument for mandating vaccines is that they prevent transmission to others. That seemed like a very strong argument back in June. Now I dunno.
If enforcing gun control is racist, then gun control is just a dead letter, and progressives should stop pushing it.
Peter Moskos @PeterMoskos
I’m really surprised cable companies haven’t found a way to charge for performatively removing a Chanel from your package. “I spend $1.50 a month not to get Fox/CNN but it is so worth it not to have that in my house.”