Progressives’ problem is not Joe Manchin, it’s the failure to win senate seats in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Iowa and you’re not going to pull that off without becoming more rather than less open to heterodoxy in some policy areas.

back when google had publicly-stated principles, one of them was "focus on the user and all else will follow".
there was an internal joke was that "the user" sometimes means "Larry Page".
but with FSF, "the user" they cater to really *is* just rms

Ariadne Conill @ariadneconill

Actual individual consumption. On this alternative to GDP which deflates the inflated GDP numbers of tax havens, the US is more than 50% richer than the EU average, and 20% richer than the richest EU country, Luxembourg.

Most people are wildly underestimating how both large and rhetorically violent this anti-vaccine movement is.
They are a gigantic, one-issue political movement that will eventually coalesce behind one candidate and make extreme demands before 2024.
Buckle up.

I am all for making up a guy to get mad at, but I don’t like it when people make up a guy to get mad at and then assert that guy is me.

A well-articulated play-by-play of what could go down in Ukraine in the coming weeks. I keep asking the question of “what does the *after* look like and at what cost?” @DAlperovitch starts to dig into that here. Not a pleasant read. https://t.co/f3P78MwyAN

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch