Great issue, crush the stupid rent-seeking dealerships

Assemblymember Patricia Fahy @PatriciaFahy109

I'm literally LOLing at this World War One meme and my wife is looking at me like I've gone completely insane.

James Taub @TaubHistory

There’s a big asymmetry between the parties in that “pass one big bill and appoint a bunch of judges” made Trump a huge hero to Republicans while even very mainstream, non-radical progressive institutions set a much higher bar for Biden. https://t.co/0PhKuE615w

Ronald Klain @WHCOS

This is big!! The O-1 visa for extraordinary ability is getting a much-needed overhaul.

Me, "calling Manchin's bluff" and demanding a vote on a BBB plan he's already rejected: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!
Me after Manchin votes no and the whole effort goes down in flames: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

@BenjySarlin @Travis_Waldron @dylanmatt I feel like from Chuck Schumer's perspective the overriding goal is to avoid getting progressive groups mad at him, and passing nothing (while people get mad at Manchin) is better for that than making a deal (which will involve Schumer picking winners and losers).

i genuinely hope this happened because mudge told the CEO that the crypto stuff is dumb as hell and the CEO was like “yeah well you are fired, who’s the dumb one now?!”

o...k @kateconger