Sincerely think Bernie should designate someone to run a boot camp for other Democratic staffers on how to take a question on any topic and within three sentences wrestle it back to an answer about billionaires.
Not always the right answer, but it's a very valuable skill.

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

I think this is true, but to underscore that Twitter is not real life …
… on here I’m the contrarian and the people yelling at me are the liberals, but what’s happening in the real world the mayor of chicago and the secretary of education are pushing for open schools https://t.co/2Q7R26RtPv

Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn

I tried to imagine how the both-sides media would cover a successful Trump coup in 2024:

Last week, we tweeted a reminder that Mozilla accepts cryptocurrency donations. This led to an important discussion about cryptocurrency’s environmental impact. We’re listening, and taking action. 1/4

This is an absolutely scathing report card on biden’s first year in immigration policy. Cato’s immigration scholars plausibly characterize it as Donald Trump’s second term.

I know labor force participation isn't quite back to where it was pre-Covid, but if you told me in April 2020 that we'd have a 4.1% unemployment rate in January 2022, I would have laughed at you.
This is an amazing accomplishment.

James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis

It's interesting that two of the most-criticized moves of public health officials (claiming masks don't work in spring 2020, slow-walking boosters for all in summer 2021) were theoretically done in the service of managing scarce resources

Noah Smith 🐇 @Noahpinion