Yes, I think people haven't quite wrapped their heads around the fact that optimal policy response depends crucially on the biological realities of a pandemic, and that Omicron is fundamentally different from previous Covid variants in key biological respects.

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin

Fortunately today we can all BS around on here 24/7

Ethan Mollick @emollick

The thing I'll remember is people yelling at folks (me but also others who made the point more often) for merely suggesting we needed to consider the costs to closing schools as well as the benefits. If someone won't engage in cost-benefit analysis they're usually full of shit.

David Leonhardt @DLeonhardt

These companies do a little patent-trolling, but Apple and Tesla aren't trusts or monopolies at all. What we need is MORE big companies in hardware industries, not to smash the ones we have just because they made a few guys rich.

Jeremy Cliffe @JeremyCliffe

This is true, but I also suspect that most carbon credits are a total scam.

Alec Stapp @AlecStapp

Hospitalizations for vaccinated people in NYC are no higher than before Omicron hit.
Get your vaccine.

Banning coal exports will help address climate change. America should also do this.

Adam Tooze @adam_tooze

I want to write a post contrasting Game of Thrones, Mad Men, and other early '10s shows that depicted society as a brutal ruthless power struggle with late 10s/early 20s shows like The Expanse and Wheel of Time that depict warm, loving friend groups who sacrifice for each other.

My main question: will you be able to cook a steak on any laptop running it or just an egg? 🥩🍳

Tom Warren @tomwarren